Hi Ho, Hi Ho !!!

So tomorrow I start work. A new job, full time, term time. Me working again. I press pause on the mum button and return to being Miss Owens for a few hours. I’m nervous and anxious and worried about a whole host of things. Mainly if they’ll like me! Will I like them? The staff? The pupils? Will I make the effort to get to know them? Will they become my drinking buddies or play date buddies? Will I be able to do the job?

I’m not worried about Jessica. She seems to have fitted in at nursery really well over her trial days and enjoys the place. They think she is a happy content child and they seem like they will nourish this side of her. I will miss her like crazy, I know this, and have tried not to think about it. She will start to do things and they won’t be for the first time. She will amaze me every day and especially at weekends when I have her all to myself. I will miss breakfast time most of all, but none of this makes me sad because I know that I am being away from her now so we can have the best possible future.

My lunch is made and packed, her bag is packed. We are ready to go. 🙂

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